


A critique is for those manuscripts still in the early stages of revision or not quite ready for a full edit. If your writing group or beta readers are running out of useful feedback or if you just want an outsider’s opinion of your project, this is the service you should choose. A critique will include outlined notes as well as comments in your original document, giving specific feedback and suggestions focused on the overall story—plot, character, description, dialogue, you name it.

Full Edit

A full edit takes all of the suggestions I include in the critique and puts them into practice in your manuscript. They are still only suggestions—you are the author, after all—but they’ll give you an idea of how to implement the improvements I mention. This service also focuses on correcting punctuation, grammar, and syntax.


I provide all my editing services for the same low cost: $20/hour (2-hour minimum). This usually comes out to about ½ a cent per word. If the up-front cost is outside your budget, I am willing to accept installments.

All payments are invoiced and processed through PayPal.

Terms of Service

Objectionable Content
While I am happy to help you on nearly any project, the presence of certain content in your manuscript—such as pornography, overly graphic violence, excessive vulgar language, and the like—will prevent me from working to my full capacity on your project. I reserve the right to refuse any project, including those containing elements I deem objectionable.

During my initial read-through of your manuscript, if I find that I cannot, in good conscience, continue working on your project, I will notify you immediately and specifically as to the nature of the content I found objectionable, and you will only be charged the 2-hour minimum fee.

This is not to say that your characters can never have sex, spill blood, or use salty language. Those elements, properly and tastefully used, can add atmosphere, tension, and interest to a story. I just want to forewarn you that including objectionable content in your manuscript will reduce my capacity to give your writing the attention it deserves.

I strive to have your manuscript ready when you need it. If, for any reason, I might not be able to keep the deadline you specify, I will inform you before I take on your project. In general, critiques will take at least two or three weeks, while full edits will require at least four. Rush orders will be charged a higher fee, negotiated with you up front.

During my edits, I prefer to use Microsoft Word’s “Track Changes” feature. This allows me to easily highlight my changes before returning your manuscript to you. If this is a problem for you, please let me know before you send your manuscript to me. I am willing to use Word alternatives—such as OpenOffice—but I will need to know your preferences before I begin working on your project.